Software as a service (SaaS) is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis which is centrally hosted, managed and are available to it's users as "on-demand software". The SaaS mode of delivery are highly scalable and capable of meeting any surge in capacity demand of businesses quickly. Unlike traditional software, where users need to manage the application of software fix / feature patches and their server hardware themselves, SaaS vendors manage all these maintenance activities on behalf of the users. Which is centrally done and it keeps the software fine tuned and well secured to delive best of the performance. SaaS model save users on operational cost, hence the ToC over period gets economical with time.
The cloud security Gateway systems in SaaS models are basically Infrastructure as service (IaaS)Some of the primary benefits of "Cloud Native" security systems are as below:SaaS are disposable -
While SaaS enables quick deployments and scaling up, it comes with "pay as you go" philosophy. The way system could be scaled up, it could be scaled down too to adjust the demand and supply curve.
Results in a better resource utilizations and hence affects the ROI in the positive side over any given period.
Maintenance free - Security, update patches and backups are automatically applied and hence freeing up the users from these non-core tasks.
No server hardware at user location -
The user saves a lot by not having to purchase and maintain hardware at their location.
Security is the biggest concern -
The SaaS Cloud Provider may provide better security than your existing software (security—or inadequate security—can also be a disadvantage). Better security may come in part because it is critical for the SaaS Cloud Provider and is part of their main business. In-house security, on the other hand, is not usually an individual's or a organization's main business and, therefore, may not be as good as that offered by the SaaS Cloud Provider.